Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Dr Tony Nader, MD, PhD

Tony Nader, MD, PhD, MARR

International Maharishi AyurVeda Health Practitioners

"The genius of man is hidden in the silent, settled state of mind from where every thought emerges." — Maharishi Mahesh Yogi​

Find a certified Maharishi AyurVeda practitioner in your area​

Yvonne Lagrosen

Yvonne Lagrosen

Dr Yvonne Lagrosen is an associate professor of quality management, teaching and researching quality and workplace health management. With more than 30 years experience of teaching Transcendental Meditation she trained as a certified

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Orelia Roller

Orelia Roller

Orelia Roller, a certified MLG practitioner since 2019, serves Wegberg, Heinsberg, and surrounding areas. MLG and TM have been lifelong influences for her. She co-directs the MLG Department alongside her parents, who developed

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Dr Sophie Beall, MD

Dr Sophie Beall, MD

Dr Sophie Beall, a former Internist at the University Hospital in Toulouse, has practised Ayurveda and modern medicine for over 35 years. She has consulted thousands of patients with chronic disorders alongside esteemed

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Gerrit-Jan Gerritsma
The Netherlands

Gerrit-Jan Gerritsma

Gerrit-Jan Gerritsma has been dedicated to the practice of Maharishi AyurVeda since 1989. In 2004, he established his Integrative Medicine practice in the Sidha-village in Lelystad, Netherlands, where he offers outpatient consultations and

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Dr. Gordana

Dr Gordana Markovic

Dr Gordana Markovic, MD, PhD, is a western medical doctor with over 20 years of medical practice. She is the most experienced practitioner of Maharishi AyurVeda in Southeastern Europe and operates her practice

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Philippe Mercanton

Philippe has been practising Maharishi AyurVeda at the Maharishi Institute in Geneva since 1984.
His activities, which cover the entire field of health, well-being, and personal development, include, among others, dosha/health assessment,

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