Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Dr Tony Nader, MD, PhD

Tony Nader, MD, PhD, MARR

Dr Sophie Beall, MD

Dr Sophie Beall, MD

Dr Sophie Beall, a former Internist at the University Hospital in Toulouse, has practised Ayurveda and modern medicine for over 35 years. She has consulted thousands of patients with chronic disorders alongside esteemed Vaidyas like Astha Vaidya E.T Divakaran Moos.

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Gerrit-Jan Gerritsma
The Netherlands

Gerrit-Jan Gerritsma

Gerrit-Jan Gerritsma has been dedicated to the practice of Maharishi AyurVeda since 1989. In 2004, he established his Integrative Medicine practice in the Sidha-village in Lelystad, Netherlands, where he offers outpatient consultations and guides Maharishi Panchakarma treatments. His expertise extends to Maharishi AyurVeda Marma Therapy, Maharishi Gem Light therapy, and Maharishi AyurVeda Aromatherapy. In addition to his clinical work, Gerrit has been a certified teacher of Transcendental Meditation since 2012.

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Dr. Gordana

Dr Gordana Markovic

Dr Gordana Markovic, MD, PhD, is a western medical doctor with over 20 years of medical practice. She is the most experienced practitioner of Maharishi AyurVeda in Southeastern Europe and operates her practice in Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr Markovic serves as the head of the Faculty for Ayurveda Study (Master in Health Sciences and Professional Training in Ayurveda) at Alma Mater University in Slovenia.

With extensive experience in teaching Ayurveda across numerous European countries, Dr Markovic has published over 50 articles on Maharishi AyurVeda and Aromatherapy. She is also a member of the State Expert Committee on Complementary Medicine, under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia.

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Philippe Mercanton

Philippe has been practising Maharishi AyurVeda at the Maharishi Institute in Geneva since 1984.
His activities, which cover the entire field of health, well-being, and personal development, include, among others, dosha/health assessment, Sukshma Marma Therapy, and Transcendental Meditation and its Advanced Techniques.

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Joan Roura
Latin America

Joan Roura

Joan Roura, a Senior Consultant in Maharishi AyurVeda, spearheaded Latin America’s first Ayurveda teaching programme in 1986, training hundreds of professionals in Brazil, including doctors and pharmacists. He worked closely with Vaidyas for over a decade, supervising consultations and translations. Additionally, he played a key role in establishing the Alternative Medicine Hospital of Goiás, which treated 15,000 patients with Ayurveda in its first year alone. Joan also contributed to the Brazilian government’s guidelines on Ayurvedic Phytotherapy as a member of the Interministerial Commission of Coordination and Planning. He is author of the flipbook “La Cúspide del Desarrollo Humano”, published on Kindle. He provides services in Latin America, the Caribbean and online.

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Renwick Mc Cave
Trinidad and Tobago

Renwick Mc Cave

Renwick Mc Cave is a registered nurse specializing in ICU and Adult and Paediatric Open Heart Surgery. Since 1986, he has been practicing Maharishi AyurVeda. He was initially trained in Brazil as an Ayurveda technician, and, afterwards, gained expanded expertise at a clinic. Additionally, he completed advanced training with the Maharishi AyurVeda Association of America (MAAA) and has been giving consultations for the last three years in his country Trinidad and Tobago.

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Feli Hoo

Feli Hoo

Feli Hoo, a Malaysian Maharishi AyurVeda practitioner since 2017, has served over a thousand clients across Asia. With advanced certifications in Ayurveda, Aromatherapy, and Marma Point Therapy, she offers personalized sessions blending ancient wisdom with modern techniques. Feli’s intuitive approach, combined with Transcendental Meditation instruction, has helped clients achieve holistic healing and improved well-being. Feli is the first Chinese lady to obtain an Ayurveda practitioner license from the Malaysian Ministry of Health. 

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Dr Stefan Lagrosen

Dr Stefan Lagrosen

Dr Stefan Lagrosen is a professor of management who researches and teaches work-life health. He is also a certified Maharishi Ayurveda Wellness Consultant, licensed personal trainer, certified running coach, Maharishi Marma therapist, Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems therapist and certified teacher of Maharishi Yoga Asanas. He has many years of experience in Ayurveda, as well as teaching and course management in many different contexts. Dr Lagrosen is active in Gothenburg and Orust, Sweden.

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Randi Eriksen

Randi Eriksen

Randi Eriksen began Transcendental Meditation in 2015 and delved into AyurVeda that same year. She earned her MS in Maharishi AyurVeda and Integrative Medicine from MIU in Fairfield, USA, in 2020. Following consultations in Switzerland, she returned to Norway in 2021, becoming a general naturopath and establishing a private Ayurvedic practice. In 2023, she studied Maharishi AyurVeda Marma Therapy in Holland and now offers Ayurveda consultations and Marma Therapy in Alta, Norway.

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Claudia Rodriguez

Claudia Rodriguez

Claudia Rodriguez is a Maharishi Panchakarma Technician with 25 years of experience providing the full range of Ayurvedic rejuvenating and detoxifying modalities. Claudia now specializes in Maharishi Marma Therapy, and for the last four years has had the joy of sharing its benefits in the Fairfield community in Iowa, USA, where she maintains a thriving Marma Therapy practice. She is also a Maharishi Yoga Asana teacher who taught Yoga Asanas to the students at Maharishi International University for two years. Claudia is a trained Maharishi Ayurveda Consultant and a Certified TM teacher with wide experience, including leading Teacher Training Courses.

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