Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Dr Tony Nader, MD, PhD

Tony Nader, MD, PhD, MARR

International Maharishi AyurVeda Health Practitioners

"The genius of man is hidden in the silent, settled state of mind from where every thought emerges." — Maharishi Mahesh Yogi​

Find a certified Maharishi AyurVeda practitioner in your area​

Joan Roura
Latin America

Joan Roura

Joan Roura, a Senior Consultant in Maharishi AyurVeda, spearheaded Latin America’s first Ayurveda teaching programme in 1986, training hundreds of professionals in Brazil, including doctors and pharmacists. He worked closely with Vaidyas for

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Renwick Mc Cave
Trinidad and Tobago

Renwick Mc Cave

Renwick Mc Cave is a registered nurse specializing in ICU and Adult and Paediatric Open Heart Surgery. Since 1986, he has been practicing Maharishi AyurVeda. He was initially trained in Brazil as an

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Feli Hoo

Feli Hoo

Feli Hoo, a Malaysian Maharishi AyurVeda practitioner since 2017, has served over a thousand clients across Asia. With advanced certifications in Ayurveda, Aromatherapy, and Marma Point Therapy, she offers personalized sessions blending ancient

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Andréia Castilho
The Netherlands

Andréia Castilho

Andréia Castilho received advanced training in Maharishi AyurVeda Aroma Therapy (MAAT) in 2012. Since then, she has given over 300 MAAT consultations, marveling at the healing power of essential oils and their instant

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Dr Stefan Lagrosen

Dr Stefan Lagrosen

Dr Stefan Lagrosen is a professor of management who researches and teaches work-life health. He is also a certified Maharishi Ayurveda Wellness Consultant, licensed personal trainer, certified running coach, Maharishi Marma therapist, Maharishi

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Randi Eriksen

Randi Eriksen

Randi Eriksen began Transcendental Meditation in 2015 and delved into AyurVeda that same year. She earned her MS in Maharishi AyurVeda and Integrative Medicine from MIU in Fairfield, USA, in 2020. Following consultations

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