Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Dr Tony Nader, MD, PhD

Tony Nader, MD, PhD, MARR

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Advancing careers in holistic health

Embracing the wisdom of Ayurveda

Discover 7 compelling reasons why to become an Ayurvedic practitioner

In a world that often races towards modern solutions for health and wellness, there’s a timeless, holistic approach that stands out – Ayurveda. Rooted in ancient Indian traditions, Ayurveda has gained global recognition for its profound understanding of the mind-body connection and natural healing. For those considering a career in healthcare, becoming an Ayurvedic practitioner offers a unique and fulfilling path. Let’s look into why embracing Ayurveda is a great choice.

1. Holistic approach to health

One of the key pillars of Ayurveda is its holistic perspective on health. Unlike conventional medicine, which often focuses on treating specific symptoms, Ayurveda considers the entire individual – physical, mental, and spiritual. This holistic approach allows practitioners to address the root cause of health issues, leading to comprehensive and long-lasting healing.

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2. Personalized medicine

Ayurveda recognizes that each person is unique, with their own distinct constitution or Dosha predominance. By understanding an individual’s Dosha predominance, Ayurvedic practitioners can tailor treatments, dietary recommendations, and lifestyle advice to suit their specific needs. This personalized approach ensures that the healing process is not only effective but also respects the individuality of each patient.



3. Focus on prevention

Ayurveda places a strong emphasis on preventive healthcare. By identifying imbalances in the body and mind before they manifest as illnesses, Ayurvedic practitioners help individuals maintain overall well-being. This proactive approach aligns with the growing global interest in preventive healthcare and complements modern medicine by addressing health from multiple angles.

Happy Family

4. Integration of nature

Ayurveda views humans as an integral part of nature, and its treatments often involve natural remedies derived from herbs, minerals, and other elements. This eco-friendly approach not only minimizes the environmental impact of healthcare practices but also connects individuals with the healing power of the natural world.


5. Time-tested wisdom

Ayurveda boasts a rich history spanning thousands of years. Its principles and practices have withstood the test of time, evolving through centuries of observation, experience, and refinement. By becoming an Ayurvedic practitioner, one becomes a custodian of this ancient knowledge, contributing to its preservation and promoting its relevance in the modern era.


6. Complementary to modern medicine

Ayurveda doesn’t seek to replace modern medicine but rather complements it. Many individuals seek a balance between traditional and modern approaches to healthcare, and Ayurveda offers an excellent bridge between the two. As an Ayurvedic practitioner, you become a valuable asset in integrated healthcare, working alongside other medical professionals to provide comprehensive care to patients.


7. Spiritual growth and self-discovery

The practice of Ayurveda extends beyond physical health, exploring the realms of mental and spiritual well-being. As a practitioner, you embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, aligning your own lifestyle with the principles you advocate for others. This holistic approach to healing extends not only to patients but also to those who practice it.

Start your career as an Ayurveda practitioner

In a world where the demand for holistic healthcare is on the rise, Ayurvedic practitioners play a crucial role in guiding individuals towards a healthier and more balanced existence.

As you begin this journey, you not only contribute to the well-being of others but also find fulfillment in aligning your life’s purpose with the timeless principles of Ayurveda.

Become an Ayurveda practitioner by joining our Professional Training in Maharishi AyurVeda at the accredited European university Alma Mater Europaea in Maribor, Slovenia.

In this one-year, hybrid (online and in-residence) programme you gain profound and extensive knowledge and the expertise necessary to practice Ayurveda professionally.

Take a look at our Professional Training Programme in Ayurveda

Why Maharishi AyurVeda?
Exploring the uniqueness of Maharishi AyurVeda

1.) The all-inclusive approach of Maharishi AyurVeda in Ayurvedic practice

As we explore the enriching realm of Ayurveda, it’s essential to highlight Maharishi AyurVeda – a comprehensive and modern formulation of the world’s oldest system of natural healthcare developed by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. 

This approach to Ayurveda encompasses Maharishi’s profound insights into the intricate relationship between pure consciousness, the mind, the physical body, behaviour, society, and the environment.


2.) The foundation for health: being established in the Self

Maharishi AyurVeda places a significant emphasis on a holistic approach, incorporating the relationship between consciousness and health.

Rooted in Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s teachings, it introduces techniques to enhance stress tolerance and overall well-being through personalized self-care programmes, including the practice of Transcendental Meditation®. Through this practice, we connect with our deepest Self, experiencing a state known as Samadhi—a profound level of consciousness.

3.) Interdisciplinary resources with a common basis

Maharishi AyurVeda draws its strength from a diverse range of disciplines, such as:
  • Vedic Science and Technology, as revived by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
  • The classical Ayurvedic texts
  • The discovery of Veda in the Physiology by Professor Tony Nader
  • Modern physics and cosmology
  • Medical research and clinical experience
  • Modern biology, including genetics, epigenetics, and chronobiology
  • Personalised and predictive medicine
  • Scientific theories such as systems theory, self-organisation and chaos theory

The common basis for all these different disciplines is the state of least excitation of our own consciousness, which is a state of perfect health.  

4.) The multi-modality approach

Maharishi AyurVeda employs a multi-modality approach, covering the entire spectrum of natural law – from the abstract unmanifest field that underlies creation to the expressed levels of human life and the environment. This approach is deeply rooted in tradition, with many modalities having undergone rigorous scientific research published in peer-reviewed journals. It also integrates diagnostic methods and treatments of modern medicine, as well as natural medicine systems, with proven effectiveness.
Total Knowledge of Health​

The top 10 Maharishi AyurVeda therapeutic modalities

Embark on the transformative journey of becoming a Maharishi AyurVeda practitioner

The Maharishi College of Perfect Health International (MCPHI) provides hands-on practitioner training in 10 essential Maharishi AyurVeda therapeutic modalities.

1.) Maharishi AyurVeda healthcare

MCPHI’s global self-care seminars welcome individuals interested in improving their own health. For aspiring practitioners, MCPHI offers professional Maharishi AyurVeda training programmes at an accredited European University.


Maharishi AyurVeda® Pulse Diagnosis

You can choose from:

Featuring a blend of online and in-residence modules, these programmes offer a unique gateway to gain expertise for immediate professional practice in the profound art of Maharishi AyurVeda.  Join us and revolutionise your approach to health and well-being!

2.) Maharishi AyurVeda Marma Therapy

Maharishi AyurVeda Marma Therapy is an exquisite art focused on treating the delicate vital points (Marmas) of the human body. Marmas are the interface between consciousness and the material values of our physiology and the interface that connects the body with the environment.

This artful therapy, though gentle in its approach, yields powerful results. It’s not merely a treatment; it’s a profound experience, a therapy that can detoxify, strengthen, relax and rejuvenate the body and release blocked energy.

marma therapy

At MCPHI, we invite

  • Anyone to our seminars for self-help and family care
  • Health professionals to delve into specialized training courses, unraveling the secrets of Maharishi AyurVeda Marma Therapy.
  • Maharishi AyurVeda Panchakarma technicians to courses that open doors to a world of deeper holistic healing possibilities.

Find out more about the captivating world of Maharishi AyurVeda Marma Therapy:

3.) MAV Panchakarma Massage Therapy

MAV Panchakarma Massage Therapy is a potent Ayurvedic purification programme designed to awaken your body’s innate intelligence and healing mechanisms. Luxurious treatments, including synchronized warm oil massages, invigorating steam baths, and soothing aromatherapy, form the core of this revitalizing experience.

MCPHI introduces a comprehensive certified Maharishi AyurVeda Panchakarma therapist course, crafted to provide a profound understanding of the healing arts.

4.) Maharishi AyurVeda Family Care (Happy Healthy Mother Baby Programme)

An integrated approach for promoting health in the areas of preconception, pregnancy, delivery, and postnatal care for both prospective parents and the newborn child.

Courses will be available soon!

5.) Maharishi AyurVeda Aroma Therapy

With Maharishi AyurVeda Aroma Therapy, the inherent power of pure essential oils becomes a guiding force in supporting the body’s natural healing abilities. When thoughtfully selected, based on an individual’s constitution, these essential oils have the remarkable potential to elevate physical, mental, and emotional well-being, fostering a pathway towards spiritual growth.

MCPHI extends an invitation to explore our courses, which are tailored for both self-care enthusiasts and those aspiring to become certified Maharishi AyurVeda Aroma Therapy consultants.

6.) Maharishi Yoga Therapy - Asanas and Pranayama

The harmonizing effects of Maharishi Yoga Asanas cultivate physiological balance and mind-body coordination, fostering optimal health and well-being. This unique yoga style offers the essence of traditional yoga, providing a sanctuary for the mind and body to gracefully settle. Distinguished from the many yoga offerings prevalent today, some of which lean towards a more strenuous workout, Maharishi Yoga Asanas stands apart. The practice unfolds effortlessly, with ease, comfort, and a natural pace, allowing practitioners to move slowly and with full attention without strain, force, or control.

MCPHI offers courses tailored for beginners, advanced learners, and those aspiring to teach the transformative practice of enhancing well-being and strengthening the mind-body connection.

7.) Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems

Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems functions at the junction where consciousness expresses itself as matter. It bathes the body with soft, coherent light passed through high-quality gemstones. 

This creates a balancing and nourishing influence on all the finer aspects of mind and body. This supportive impact of specific gemstones is described in ancient Ayurvedic texts.

MLG green

This course is designed to unravel the intricacies of Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems, where the union of ancient wisdom and modern practice takes centre stage.

8.) Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture and Gardening

Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture and Gardening is a holistic approach rooted in Natural Law. This method considers all the complex factors within an agricultural system, aiming to balance, support, nourish, and harmonize them for the maximum benefit. It is truly sustainable.


In our course “Gardening in Light of Maharishi AyurVeda” you dive into the fundamentals of Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture and learn how to apply this nature-aligned approach to start and maintain your own garden with the least effort.

This makes gardening simple, easy and fun. In this course, you discover how gardening can become an extension of our self-care through Maharishi AyurVeda.

9.) Maharishi Vedic Astrology

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Maharishi Vedic Astrology is restored Vedic Astrology in its purity and effectiveness as part of Maharishi’s Vedic Science of Consciousness.

Maharishi Vedic Astrology is a comprehensive tool for life management, which can help to maximize progress, success, health, and happiness while being alert to and avoiding the challenges that may come along the way.

To find out more about Maharishi Vedic Astrology, please visit

10.) Vedic Dance Therapy

Vedic Dance is a very natural and complete technology for enlivening the relationship between transcendental self-referral Being and its expression in the area of physiology. Vedic Dance can be seen as ‘flowing Yoga.’ It creates health and balance in the individual and the environment.


MCPHI offers you the opportunity to dive into the essence of this “flowing Yoga” through our exciting courses in the two Vedic Dance forms, Kathak and Bharata. Take a journey of movement and mindfulness with our courses, led by experienced instructors, and unlock the profound benefits of Vedic Dance.

Becoming an Ayurvedic practitioner within the framework of Maharishi AyurVeda transcends the conventional boundaries of healthcare.

It invites individuals to explore the profound connections between consciousness, health, and the environment. This inclusive and integrated approach not only honours the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda but also integrates modern insights, offering a pathway to perfect health that is both timeless and relevant in our contemporary world. As practitioners, we become stewards of a holistic tradition that recognizes the interconnectedness of all aspects of life, fostering well-being on every level.

Transform lives, transform yours: discover the power of Maharishi AyurVeda

Explore our multitude of offerings: