Dr Sophie Beall, MD

Dr Sophie Beall, a former Internist at the University Hospital in Toulouse, has practised Ayurveda and modern medicine for over 35 years. She has consulted thousands of patients with chronic disorders alongside esteemed Vaidyas like Astha Vaidya E.T Divakaran Moos.
Gerrit-Jan Gerritsma

Gerrit-Jan Gerritsma has been dedicated to the practice of Maharishi AyurVeda since 1989. In 2004, he established his Integrative Medicine practice in the Sidha-village in Lelystad, Netherlands, where he offers outpatient consultations and guides Maharishi Panchakarma treatments. His expertise extends to Maharishi AyurVeda Marma Therapy, Maharishi Gem Light therapy, and Maharishi AyurVeda Aromatherapy. In addition to his clinical work, Gerrit has been a certified teacher of Transcendental Meditation since 2012.
Shining a light on health

Orelia Roller is a key figure in the Department for Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems, continuing the legacy of her parents, Joachim and Iris Roller, who developed this technology in the 1980s under Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s guidance. A teacher of Transcendental Meditation and a skilled goldsmith and gemstone setter, Orelia now co-leads the Department, training practitioners worldwide and representing MLG within the Maharishi College of Perfect Health International and Maharishi AyurVeda.