Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Dr Tony Nader, MD, PhD

Tony Nader, MD, PhD, MARR

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Shining a light on health:
Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems (MLG)
Insights and experiences from Orelia Roller, MLG expert and instructor

Orelia Roller is a key figure in the Department for Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems, continuing the legacy of her parents, Joachim and Iris Roller, who developed this technology in the 1980s under Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s guidance. A teacher of Transcendental Meditation and a skilled goldsmith and gemstone setter, Orelia now co-leads the Department, training practitioners worldwide and representing MLG within the Maharishi College of Perfect Health International and Maharishi AyurVeda.

In the following interview, Orelia shares her insights and experiences, providing a deeper understanding of MLG and its impact on health and well-being.


What is Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems? How did it originate and how has it evolved over the years?

Orelia: MLG is rooted in the ancient healing tradition of Ayurveda. The use of specific gemstones and their effects are described in great detail in the ancient texts. Gemstones have captured attention not only in Ayurveda but also across various cultures, whether due to their extraordinary beauty, their use in crown jewels, jewellery, talismans, or as healing stones. My father, Joachim, was deeply influenced by these special qualities. As a master goldsmith, jewellery designer, and gemologist, he extensively studied gemstones. His personal experience with the positive effects of gemstones inspired him to ask Maharishi Mahesh Yogi during a personal meeting in 1979, ‘What can I do with gemstones to achieve health-promoting and consciousness-expanding effects?’ Maharishi responded, ‘That is Ayurveda. Look into the ancient texts and combine the old knowledge with modern technology.’ Following this guidance, my father studied the ancient texts and began developing the gemstone beamers. My mother then inspired him to create cosmetics from mineral powders, leading to the development of gemstone balms and other gemstone products.

My parents frequently met with Maharishi, and with his guidance and insights, they further developed the Ayurvedic gemstone therapy, initially introducing it in German-speaking regions. Since 2007, our family has been based at the Maharishi European Research University (MERU), fulfilling Maharishi’s directive to spread MLG globally through the Transcendental Meditation movement and to train practitioners in MLG from around the world.

Can you share any historical or cultural background about the use of gems in healing practices?

Orelia: There is extensive evidence of the use of gemstones for healing purposes across various cultures. In Ayurveda, for example, Rasayanas were meticulously prepared using pulverised gemstones. Hildegard of Bingen, around 1200 AD in Germany, is another well-known example of the use of healing stones.


Orelia: Gemstones acquire their colours from trace elements embedded within their crystal lattice. These trace elements are essential for our survival and play a crucial role in vital physiological processes. The trace elements within our bodies resonate with the radiation emitted by the gemstones.

In your own words, how does MLG work?

This resonance invigorates our body’s innate intelligence, potentially activating self-healing abilities and consciousness-expanding experiences.

The gemstone radiation, which we perceive as deeply fulfilling, brings our consciousness into a state of supreme order. We resonate with the gemstone light, allowing us to experience profound relaxation, transcendence, or more specific sensations within our bodies. Our consciousness flows with the light of the gemstones to where it is needed to restore and maintain cosmic order.

Gemstones embody the highest qualities of the mineral kingdom and reliably store vast amounts of information in a highly organised manner. MLG can thus be seen as a form of information technology. Human beings are cosmic by nature. Therefore, with the MLG gemstone light crystal technology, information that promotes consciousness expansion and health is effortlessly directed to where it can be most effectively utilised.

MLG green

What is the purpose of light being shone through the gems?

Orelia: The light that passes through the gemstone is special. It has the same frequency as the radiation of the gemstone, significantly amplifying its effects.

MLG Julia

Which specific areas of the client’s body does the practitioner select for the application of gem light therapy?

Orelia: There is a specific protocol that we teach our practitioners during the MLG course. They learn precisely where each gemstone should be positioned and what effects can be expected from each one. Generally, the treatment is administered while the client is seated or lying down, fully clothed.

How long does a treatment session take?

Orelia: A session typically lasts about an hour. The first session often takes longer, around an hour and a half.


Is there any scientific research or evidence that supports the efficacy of MLG?

Orelia: We have decades of testimonials from clients, doctors, and therapists. Over more than 40 years, my parents conducted thousands of treatments, which allowed them to confirm and align the effects described in the ancient Ayurvedic texts. In the 1990s, MLG was covered by Swiss health insurance companies by up to 80% when prescribed by doctors and therapists. Additionally, a successful scientific double-blind study was conducted in the United States by Dr Fred Travis, Ayala Melzer and David Scharf which demonstrated the effectiveness of MLG.

Can you describe a particularly memorable experience with a client who benefited significantly from MLG?

Orelia:There are numerous extraordinary experiences with MLG. Particularly memorable are cases where emotional blockages or traumas, long forgotten, are resolved. Clients often describe the healing effect as the dissolution of an old blockage that they hadn’t even been actively thinking about.

One impressive case involved a woman with a stiff shoulder. For years, she tried everything, but couldn’t move her shoulder well. MLG stimulated the self-healing in her shoulder to such an extent that she can now move it normally again.

What feedback do you most commonly receive from clients after their first MLG session?

Orelia:The feedback can vary widely. Often, people feel very balanced, rested, relieved, and happy, or they notice improvements in specific health issues. Many also report experiences of higher states of consciousness—such as feeling flooded with light or having deep experiences of transcendence. See for yourself what people are commenting:

What do you personally enjoy the most about giving MLG therapies?

Orelia: Many people are incredibly surprised by the tangible effects that specific gemstones have on them. It’s also a treatment for the practitioner. It’s wonderful to observe the transformation in clients’ faces as their features relax and they look more refreshed, happier, and younger within such a short time.


How do you connect with other MLG practitioners? Are there any workshops, or retreats that MLG practitioners regularly attend?

Orelia: We offer webinars for our MLG practitioners several times a year, where we address questions, deepen knowledge, and discuss experiences. Practitioners naturally get to know each other better during the courses. Additionally, there is a Phase 2 course aimed at more experienced MLG practitioners.

How has practicing MLG influenced your own personal growth and well-being?

Orelia: I grew up with this technique; it has been a constant companion throughout my life. I find it incredibly healing to lie under the gemstone beamers. I incorporate gemstones and gemstone balms into my daily routine, drawing strength and energy from them. I feel deeply connected and grounded, sensing the omnipresent consciousness in all parts of creation.

How can MLG be integrated with other holistic or conventional medical treatments? Have you collaborated with practitioners of other modalities, and what were the outcomes?

Orelia: MLG complements a wide range of existing treatments. For example, it is already being successfully offered in Maharishi AyurVeda clinics, naturopathic practices, physiotherapy centres, doctors’ offices, as well as in wellness and yoga studios. It serves as an excellent and unique addition to these practices.

What is your personal vision or mission as an MLG practitioner and instructor?

Orelia: My vision is to illuminate every cell of the body with the light of gemstones—bringing relaxing, soothing, and health-promoting experiences, and enlivening our consciousness on all levels

How do you hope to contribute to the field of holistic healing through your work with MLG?

Orelia: I aim to broaden the perspective towards self-healing and the activation of the body’s innate intelligence. MLG, as a non-invasive therapy, focuses on health and wellness rather than on illness and symptom treatment. It’s truly remarkable what our clients have already experienced with MLG!



Currently, Transcendental Meditation programme teachers and practitioners of the advanced TM programmes with a professional background in health can become MLG practitioners.


There are two courses required to become an MLG practitioner: 

The MLG Course Phase 1, Part 1 and Part 2. Part 1 is an online on-demand course, and Part 2 takes place in residence at MERU in the Netherlands.

Find a practitioner near you:

To find a certified Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems practitioner in your area please check out our Directory or get in touch with the department directly: