Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Dr Tony Nader, MD, PhD

Tony Nader, MD, PhD, MARR


Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems

“MLG in some way works like a resonance effect. What happens is that when a light shines through the gems towards the body, the intelligence of the gems seems to come inside the body and help the body remember its own intelligence.” - Eva Bergmann


Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems® is a modality of Maharishi AyurVeda that functions at the junction where consciousness expresses itself as matter. It bathes specific areas of the body with soft, coherent light that passes through high-quality gemstones. The unique crystalline molecular structure, characteristic colour, and emitted light of each precious gemstone produce specific balancing and nourishing effects for the mind, body, and emotions.

Precious gems have long been used for their therapeutic qualities. The earliest and most systematic use of gemstones for health originated in Ayurveda, the traditional healthcare system of India. The Ayurvedic physician Charaka prescribed gems for prolonging lifespan and promoting happiness, fulfilment of desires, ideal health, and the development of higher states of consciousness.

The word Ayurveda means “science of life”. Although Ayurveda is the oldest continuously-practiced tradition of healthcare in the world, only fragments of the original knowledge survived the long passage of time.


During the 1980s, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation technique, worked with traditional Ayurvedic physicians to restore the science of Ayurveda to its completeness, with consciousness as its foundation. He called this revival of knowledge Maharishi AyurVeda.

Today Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems (MLG) is an important modality of Maharishi AyurVeda. It is highly regarded for its ability to enliven the body’s inner intelligence and healing mechanisms to restore balance from within.


This gem-infused light enlivens the body’s inner intelligence and restores balance in the nervous system. Reported benefits of Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems include:


Courses offered by Maharishi College of Perfect Health International (MCPHI) 

Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems
Phase I Part 1

For TM teachers and healthcare professionals practising the TM-Sidhi Programme 

online on demand

This course gives fundamental knowledge about the Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems (MLG).

It gives insight into how this pleasant and beneficial method was developed by Professor Joachim Roller under the direct guidance of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi by merging ancient wisdom with modern technology. The significance of gemstones in Ayurveda will be discussed.

You will learn about the properties of gemstones on the one hand from modern science – like physical properties, formation, occurrence, trace elements and colours – and on the other hand from the ancient Vedic Literature.

The importance of light that is beamed through gems during MLG will be discussed and the harmonising effect of MLG on mind and body supporting the development of higher states of consciousness will be explained.

With Joachim, Iris and Orelia Roller

now available

Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems
Phase I Part 2

This course is open to TM teachers. Sidhas can also attend if they have a background in health.

A prerequisite is the successful completion of the self-study course MLG Phase I Part 1


In this comprehensive training, you will learn the application of Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems, a powerful, health-promoting technology developed by Joachim and Iris Roller under Maharishi’s guidance.

You will also dive deep into the intellectual understanding and subjective experience of this profound knowledge.

Upon successful completion of the course, you’ll be certified to give Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems treatments to healthy people and those with minor imbalances, the first phase of a rewarding career as a Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems practitioner. 

22 October – 8 November 2025

more information and application soon

With Joachim, Iris and Orelia Roller

Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems
Phase II

TM Teachers and healthcare professionals practising the TM-Sidhi Programme

Developing skills to master the whole range of Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems practice

coming soon

Training to Offer Professional Treatments

After successfully completing this course, participants will become practitioners of MLG at the Phase 2 level. They will be qualified to give treatments to healthy people and those with minor imbalances. Many practitioners have found that giving treatments is not only extremely rewarding personally but is also a wonderful way to support their Transcendental Meditation Centre.

With Joachim, Iris and Orelia Roller

With guest speakers


Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems (MLG) is a profound and effective new health treatment that combines ancient, traditional knowledge of gemstones with modern technology. Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems creates a soft, nourishing influence on all the finer aspects of mind and body, and enlivens and strengthens the body’s inner intelligence.