Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Dr Tony Nader, MD, PhD

Tony Nader, MD, PhD, MARR

News | Insights | Stories

Advancing careers in holistic health

Exploring Vedic knowledge and Ayurveda: discover ancient wisdom for health

Happy Family

Embracing the wisdom of Ayurveda

In a world that often races towards modern solutions for health and wellness, there’s a timeless, holistic approach that stands out – Ayurveda. Rooted in ancient Indian traditions, Ayurveda has gained global recognition

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Explore and practice ancient wisdom

The Maharishi College of Perfect Health International will soon be entering the fifth year (2025) of the highly esteemed professional training certificate programme in Ayurveda. This programme has been offered through the accredited

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Shining a light on health

Orelia Roller is a key figure in the Department for Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems, continuing the legacy of her parents, Joachim and Iris Roller, who developed this technology in the 1980s under

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