Live online
With Andréia Castilho and Dr Walter Moelk
With selected lectures by Maharishi and renowned experts in Maharishi AyurVeda Aroma Therapy plus case studies and self-study sessions
Available in English
This course is for
Meditators, Sidhas and Governors who have completed the
Maharishi AyurVeda Aroma Therapy Foundation Course
MAAT Consultants who wish to refresh the knowledge and get the most up-to-date information
(There is a reduced price for lower-income countries, please see the application form.)
*Excluded from the course fee is the kit of essential oils consisting of samples of 21 essential oils and the booklet The Power of Essential Oils. Cost of the Vedaroma Kit: 112,53 €
The Vedaroma Kit is mandatory and the deadline for ordering it is 6 August, 2024
To order the KIT click here.
Affiliates of International Maharishi AyurVeda Foundation (IMAVF) receive a reduction of 10% on the course fee. The discount for MAAT Consultants is 20% if they apply until 4 August.
Graduates of the Maharishi AyurVeda Aroma Therapy (MAAT) Foundation Course and MAAT Consultants have the wonderful opportunity to take the Maharishi AyurVeda Aroma Therapy Consultant Training Course Phase I online.
The MAAT Consultant Training Course Phase I is designed as training for those who wish to go more deeply into the knowledge of how to give essential oil recommendations to family and friends, and also prepare to become fully fledged Maharishi AyurVeda Aroma Therapy (MAAT) Consultants. Phase II is designed for those who either wish to become a MAAT Consultant and pursue a new profession, or already are a MAAT Consultant and wish to refresh the knowledge.
The revival of the complete knowledge of Vedic Aroma Therapy, an aspect of Maharishi Vedic Medicine, brings us the ancient wisdom of one of the most natural systems of promoting holistic psychological and physical health and well-being.
The essential oil present in the flowers, fruits, leaves, branches, seeds, root or rind of the plant is the ‘essence,’ ‘life force,’ or ‘soul’ of the plant. This innate intelligence awakens the inner intelligence of our mind and body.
Essential oils are balancing and normalizing in their effect; they enliven the body’s own self-healing mechanism and restore life, health, and wholeness in body, mind, and soul. They can quickly uplift us, calm and relax us, motivate and inspire us, harmonize and balance our emotions, relieve physical symptoms of imbalances, and improve many basic physical and psychological functions.
The Department of Maharishi AyurVeda Aroma Therapy (MAAT) of the Maharishi College of Perfect Health International in Vlodrop invites all the MAAT Foundation Course graduates interested in the fascinating knowledge and experience of Maharishi AyurVeda Aroma Therapy to join this beautiful course.
Note: to become a Maharishi AyurVeda Aroma Therapy Consultant you will need to take also the Maharishi AyurVeda Aroma Therapy Consultant Training Course Phase II in November 2024.
Theme of Course
Promoting Holistic Health and Well-being, Physical and Psychological, through the Science of Maharishi AyurVeda Aroma Therapy
Aroma Therapy is the science and art of promoting holistic health and well-being, both physical and psychological. Maharishi AyurVeda Aroma Therapy introduces the element of consciousness and gives the understanding that the ideal of perfect health and enlightenment is attained by handling health from the level from which it emerges – the field of immortality, pure consciousness.
The Maharishi AyurVeda Aroma Therapy Consultant Training Course Phase I builds on the principles of the Foundation Course to learn the science and art of being a consultant, with an emphasis on learning to give consultations to family and friends using essential oils and their connection to Maharishi AyurVeda.
This course is for:
Many useful handouts have been incorporated such as the Dosha effect of carrier oils, dilution tables (also for children), recommendations by Vaidya Vyas, new forms to be used during the preparation and consultation processes, etc. In addition, brand new exercises and case studies have been created to provide plenty of opportunities for practice.
Then, in the Phase II of the Consultant Training Course, to take place in November 2024, all those who have trained in this field will receive brand new knowledge.
In this course (Phase I) there will be more emphasis on the actual therapy with essential oils and its connection to Maharishi AyurVeda.
You will receive more elaborated knowledge about essential oil therapies for a great number of imbalances.
We will go deeper into the classification of essential oils according to their Dosha effect, the actions and applications of the essential oils (including all of the 82 new Vedaroma essential oils), scientific research, and the explanation on how essential oils work with regard to their chemical components and ayurvedic qualities.
In this way we will cover a wider range of Maharishi AyurVeda Aroma Therapy from the gross physical to the most subtle energetic and spiritual levels.
By the end of the course, participants will be able to
Knowledge is an ever expanding reality. The unified field of all the laws of nature is the field of total knowledge. In the relative sphere of life, each area is increasingly explored to its full value until it finds fulfillment in the wholeness of infinite creative intelligence.
We have grown considerably in our knowledge of Maharishi AyurVeda Aroma Therapy as it was developed by Dr Rosie Geelvink and Dr Nadine Thomas. Consultants of Maharishi AyurVeda Aroma Therapy will find it valuable to refresh their knowledge and stay up-to-date and sharpen their skills as MAAT experts.
Every MAAT course gives us the opportunity to acquire more in-depth knowledge, whether you wish to give consultations or simply have the knowledge for yourself, your family and friends. With this in mind, we have developed modes of certification for each course.
Recordings of the live sessions will be available quickly after each session. The sequence of the sessions and exercises is important and, therefore, being present in all live sessions will help the student understand the content and be certified to continue with the next phase of training. If the student misses a live session, it will be necessary to watch its recording from the course platform before the next live session starts and submit all exercises, case studies and tests within the deadline.
Daily exercises, case studies and tests will serve as teaching tools, as well as a way to assess your expertise as:
The successful completion of this Phase I of the Maharishi AyurVeda Aroma Therapy Consultant Training Course to give consultations to family and friends and be eligible for Phase II will depend on your results in the exercises, case studies and tests.
This course is offered by the Maharishi College of Perfect Health International – Department of Maharishi AyurVeda Aroma Therapy.
Updates on MAAT
This course will provide both an opportunity to refresh the knowledge and to acquire the most up-to-date information in this area. Many useful handouts have been incorporated since consultants were trained by Dr Rosie Geelvink, such as the Dosha effect of carrier oils, dilution tables (also for children), recommendations by Vaidya Vyas, new forms to be used during the preparation and consultation processes, etc. Therefore, many MAAT Consultants will find it useful to take this course and the Phase II of the Consultant Training Course, which will provide brand new knowledge to all who have trained in this field.
An integral part of the training of MAAT Consultants is the experience of a wide range of essential oils. This allows Consultants to both have the direct experience of their benefits and be able to recommend specific essential oils based on their own practical knowledge.
The Power of Essential Oils is a publication written by Dr Rosie Geelvink, who pioneered the groundbreaking knowledge of Maharishi AyurVeda Aroma Therapy and contains vital information about each essential oil and how to use them.
Therefore, all course participants are expected to order the kit containing selected essential oils and the complete 152-page booklet The Power of Essential Oils. It is of vital importance to order the kit well ahead of time in order to allow for its timely arrival at the participant’s address.
To order the kit, please go to:
We also recommend that you order the Illustrated Guide to Vedaroma Essential Oils at the same time as you order the kit described above. This way you will save on shipping (as compared to ordering them separately).
Both The Power of Essential Oils and the Illustrated Guide to Vedaroma Essential Oils will be available on the course materials website during the course and for three months after its conclusion, after which they will not be available online anymore.
You should also plan on printing the Handouts, which will also be available online during the course.
Live Sessions at 2:30 pm CEST
Double session on 8 September
Each session 2 hours long
Sunday, 18 August
Tuesday, 20 August
Thursday, 22 August
Saturday, 24 August
Sunday, 25 August
Tuesday, 27 August
Thursday, 29 August
Saturday, 31 August
Sunday, 1 September
Tuesday, 3 September
Thursday, 5 September
Sunday, 8 September – 10:45 AM
Sunday, 8 September – 2:30 PM
Tuesday, 10 September
Thursday, 12 September
Saturday, 14 September
Sunday, 15 September
Wednesday, 18 September
Course participants will be connected via Zoom.
The course will cover the whole range of Maharishi AyurVeda Aroma Therapy from the physical to the most subtle and spiritual levels. Being familiar with the finer values and mechanics of action of the essential oils will be more fulfilling for one’s own understanding and will help everyone to apply them in an easier way.
Andréia Castilho has a B.A. in Business Administration from Maharishi International University (MIU), USA, an MBA in People Management and extensive management experience in many areas, such as Vedic organic agriculture. She has trained in several modalities of Maharishi AyurVeda including advanced Maharishi Aroma Therapy with Dr Rosie Geelvink. In addition, Andréia has worked on promoting of VedAroma products, and with Dr Nadine Thomas, on producing course content and teaching Maharishi Aroma Therapy at MERU and in other countries. Currently, she is the Head of the Department of Maharishi AyurVeda Aroma Therapy at the Maharishi College of Perfect Health International.
Dr Walter Mölk is a medical practitioner from Austria and one of the directors of the Maharishi College of Perfect Health International. For many years he has been developing and teaching Maharishi AyurVeda postgraduate curricula for health professionals worldwide, and since 2010 has taught Maharishi AyurVeda at all the Maharishi AyurVeda Aroma Therapy courses.